Composite Sheets
Aging of Intumescent Products (PDF, 64 KB)
Pass-Through Devices
Air Leakage Pass-Through Device-UL Letter (PDF, 248 KB)
Quick Pass Device Name Change (PDF, 21 KB)
3M Fire Barrier Pillow Systems (PDF, 92 KB)
Calculating Percent Cable Fill (PDF, 20 KB)
3M FireDam 150+ Caulk ASTM E84 Information (PDF, 243 KB)
Aging of 3M Fire Barrier CP 25WB+ Latex-Based Caulk (PDF, 73 KB)
Calculating Percent Cable Fill (PDF, 20 KB)
Ceiling Runner Flanges in Head-of-Wall Joint (PDF, 67 KB)
Compatibility of 3M Fire Barrier Sealants with CPVC Pipe (PDF, 22 KB)
Extension/Compression of Construction Joints/Perimeter Joints (PDF, 48 KB)
HVAC Ducts with Fire Dampers (PDF, 34 KB)
UL Accelerated Aging Protocol: 3M FB Rated Foam, FIP 1-Step (PDF, 540 KB)
Wrap Strips and Restricting Collars
Aging of Intumescent Products (PDF, 64 KB)