COVID-19: Take a well-rounded approach to safely reopening your business amid the coronavirus pandemic. Include cleaning, disinfecting and graphics solutions as you prepare your facility to welcome back the public. Learn more.
large window graphic showing rock climber and advertising sale.

Let them know: Good things are in store.

Support your branding, promotional, seasonal and wayfinding retail needs with 3M graphic films and signage.

Never miss a chance to promote.

All around your business, there are opportunities to support your band visibility and marketing goals. It just takes a little imagination and some innovative 3M technology.

  • Gas station with illuminated exterior signage and purple sky in background.
    Let’s start retail branding outside.

    The customer experience starts before customers enter the store. Exterior promotional messaging, illuminated signage and wayfinding signage should all be working together to tell your brand and promotional story.

  • Cookie shop with colorful floor wrap with images of cookies.
    Provide a path to purchase.

    Using graphic films, you can provide cues for wayfinding and lead customers to promotional and sale items. Maximize the power of your windows, walls and floors to map a path to purchase.

  • Illustration of exterior of retail space with the word “sale” repeated and an image of a woman.
    Build a brand experience from the outside in.

    Welcome customers to your store with window wraps and glass films that carry promotional messages or help communicate your brand story.

  • Illustration of grocery store cart area and sign reading “pick-up zone” with image of car.
    Pick up a few more brand impressions in your pick-up zones.

    Keep your brand front and center even after the transaction has been completed. Use 3M graphic films to designate pick up zones and special parking spots for online orders.

  • Illustration of semi-trucks with colorful fleet vehicle wraps.
    It’s more than a truck, it’s a rolling billboard.

    Your vehicles offer an amazing opportunity to increase exposure and impressions for your brand far from your store. 3M wraps and decals make striking results possible.

Orange mesh trifecta

See how 3M products can enliven your promotional efforts.

Continue to explore options with a 3M representative.

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Want to get inspired? Look here.

Related products.

  • Achieve and maintain the desired look and feel of your store with products that you can trust.

  • Use graphic films and architectural finishes to bring conceptual ideas to life.

  • Implement graphic films and floor care to help your store look sparkling clean.

  • Save time and money by refreshing with graphic films and architectural finishes instead of a complete remodel.