Window wrap displaying business hours.
Getting back to business.

Facility Cleaning and Safety: The new normal.

More than ever, ensuring a clean and healthy facility is critical. We understand the huge task of safely reopening a public space without significant downtime. It requires navigating new coronavirus cleaning and disinfection protocols and making sure personnel are properly trained. Clearly communicating facility practices to building occupants will be essential.

3M is here to provide you with the guidance, training and solutions you need to confidently and successfully operate as we get back to business. Chat with us or call 1.800.852.9722 to speak to a support team member, available from 8 AM to 5 PM CST.

3M is here to provide you with the guidance, training and solutions you need to confidently and successfully operate as we get back to business. Chat with us or call 1.800.852.9722 to speak to a support team member, available from 8 AM to 5 PM CST.

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navigating the complexities of reopening
Navigating the complexities of reopening.
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Two rows of large disinfectant bottles of 3M commercial cleaning chemicals.
Choosing the right disinfectant for your facility.

Whether your facility is a retail store, a school or another commercial building, our selector tool will help you identify the right cleaning and disinfecting solution for your specific needs and surfaces.

Learn more about 3M Disinfectants. Have product questions? Chat with us or call 1.800.852.9722 to speak to a support team member, available from 8 AM to 5 PM CST.

Learn more about 3M Disinfectants. Have product questions? Chat with us or call 1.800.852.9722 to speak to a support team member, available from 8 AM to 5 PM CST.

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Red graphic floor wrap for social distancing, at the doors to a supermarket, reading “Keep a 6 ft. Distance.”
Communicating with your customers, guests and employees.

Graphics solutions like floor graphics, window wraps and wall signage help you guide traffic, maintain social distancing guidelines, and communicate vital safety and business information.

  • Floor graphics with white footprints in red circles showing recommended social distancing in a grocery store aisle.
    Floor Graphics

    Floor graphics enhance both social distancing and wayfinding messages, and they can be used indoors or outdoors.

  • Image of a retail floor marked with a taped lane for traffic and arrows to indicate traffic direction
    Floor & Safety Marking Tapes

    Floor and safety marking tapes apply easily to mark off traffic and safety lanes, storage areas and traffic direction as well as social distancing, then remove cleanly if you need a change. Learn More

  • Orange window graphic on a restaurant’s front doors reading “Take Out & Delivery Only.”
    Window Graphics

    Short-term custom signs, such as transparent window wraps and decals, can display temporary business hours or other important information.

  • Orange wall graphic above the sinks in a public restroom reading “Wash your hands for 20 seconds.”
    Wall Graphics

    Vinyl wall wraps and custom decals are easy to install and remove, with little to no residue, and can communicate your most important messages quickly.

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Learn more about 3M Graphic solutions. Need help finding the right product for your project? Chat with us or call 1-800-328-3908 to speak to a support team member, available from 8 AM to 5 PM CST.

Learn more about 3M Graphic solutions. Need help finding the right product for your project? Chat with us or call 1-800-328-3908 to speak to a support team member, available from 8 AM to 5 PM CST.

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