Worker wearing fall protection gear working at height on tower

Competent Tower Rescuer

Course Description

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This is a pass/fail program that incorporates extensive class room and hands-on training and incorporates both written and practical examinations that are based on the requirements of the OSHA, ANSI and NATE CTS standards. This course will involve a high degree of hands-on scenarios and will require workers to actively participate in rescue operations.

Students attending this course will expand their knowledge and ability on how to utilize pre-engineered rescue equipment and rescue techniques for safe and efficient rescues. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will receive a certificate recognizing that they have met OSHA, ANSI and NATE requirements as a Competent Rescuer. 3M/Capital Safety is a listed on the NATE site as a NATE Certified Training Partner.

  • Topics Discussed
    • Fall hazard elimination and controls methods
    • Applicable fall protection and rescue regulations
    • Assessment of fall hazards to determine rescue method
    • The responsibilities of Competent Tower Rescuers
    • Detailed inspection and recording of rescue equipment components and systems
    • Rescue system assessments and determining when a system is unsafe
    • Development of written fall protection rescue procedures
    • Industrial rescue techniques for tower climbers
      • Solo rescuer
      • Team base rescue
      • Scene size-up (electrical hazard)
      • Initial patient assessment​​​​​​
  • Duration: 
    2 days (up to 16 hours)

    Recommended Attendance:
    This course is designed for managers, immediate supervisors of authorized rescuers or individuals working at height and is for the supervision, implementation and monitoring of a managed fall protection rescue program.

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To learn more about our training and consultative services, call 800-328-6146, option 4. Bookmark our training web page at or our online catalog at

To learn more about our training and consultative services, call 800-328-6146, option 4. Bookmark our training web page at or our online catalog at

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