Surgeons in theatre using PREVENA Therapy

The scientifically proven power of 3M™ Prevena™ Therapy


Advancing the standard of care

  • Data from a Level I, multicenter randomized controlled trial with at-risk patients further affirmed that Prevena Therapy significantly reduced the risk of 90-day surgical site complications (SSCs) and readmissions, when compared to silver-impregnated dressings - the current standard of care (SOC). In fact, the evidence supporting the efficacy of Prevena Therapy was so strong that the study was terminated before its planned completion.¹

  • 4x icon on purple background

    Reduction in SSCs*
    3.4% (5/147) Prevena Therapy vs.
    14.3% (21/147) SOC

  • 3x icon on purple background

    Reduction in readmission rates*
    3.4% (5/147) Prevena Therapy vs.
    10.2% (21/147) SOC

  • 15% icon on purple background

    Fewer mean dressing changes*
    1.1+ 0.3 (5/147) Prevena Therapy vs.
    1.3+ 1.0 (21/147) SOC

*Calculation(s) are derived based on relative patient group incidence rate reported in this study. Statistically significant (p=< 0.05)

1. Higuera-Rueda C, Emara AK, Nieves-Malloure Y, Klika AK, Cooper HJ, Cross MB, Guild GN, Nam D, Nett M, Scuderi GR, Cushner FD, Piuzzi NS, Silverman RP. The Effectiveness of Closed Incision Negative Pressure Therapy versus Silver-Impregnated Dressings in MitigatingSurgical Site Complications in High-Risk Patients after Revision Knee Arthroplasty: The PROMISES Randomized Controlled Trial. J Arthroplasty (2021), doi:

The Power of 3M™ Prevena™ Therapy

  • purple wave icon on white background

    Prevena Therapy can aid in reducing the costly financial burden of complications such as SSIs.

  • PREVENA™ Therapy Clinically Proven icon

    Clinically validated with over 70+ publications focused on closed incision negative pressure therapy (ciNPT)

  • purple shield icon on white background

    Prevena Therapy is the first and only medical device indicated by FDA to help reduce superficial surgical site infections in high-risk patients with Class I and II wounds*

*The effectiveness of 3M™ Prevena™ Therapy in reducing the incidence of SSIs and seroma in all surgical procedures and populations has not been demonstrated. See full indications for use and limitations at

How 3M™ Prevena™ Therapy works

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  • *3M™ Prevena™ 125 and 3M™ Prevena™ Plus 125 Therapy Units manage the environment of closed surgical incisions and remove fluid away from the surgical incision via the application of -125mmHg continuous negative pressure. When used with legally marketed compatible dressings, Prevena 125 and Prevena Plus 125 Therapy Units are intended to aid in reducing the incidence of seroma and, in patients at risk for post-operative infections, aid in reducing the incidence of superficial surgical site infection in Class I and II wounds.

    NOTE: Specific indications, limitations, contraindications, warnings, precautions and safety information exist for these products and therapies. Please consult a clinician and product instructions for use prior to application. Rx only.