3M™ Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film is the original, and only, terpolymer-based alcohol-free barrier film* that helps prevent skin damage before it occurs.
*Of leading competitors in the market, based on disclosed ingredient information.
Request a sample of 3M™ Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film and experience the power of proven skin protection.
A prevalent but under-recognized complication, MARSI can cause pain, increase the risk of infection and delay healing, all of which can reduce a patient’s quality of life⁵. One study found that 55 treatments for MARSI will be needed for every 100 patients who receive a medical tape application⁶. By using 3M™ Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film, you can help protect patient skin from possible adhesive damage.
Skin damage from adhesives (MARSI) at vascular access sites can be a serious problem. Making 3M™ Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film part of your vascular care process helps ensure the barrier film is removed at dressing changes instead of a patient’s skin layers.
Patients with infected wounds or venous leg ulcers (VLUs) and associated edema are especially at risk for periwound skin damage. The excessive hydration of periwound skin compromises the barrier function, making the epidermis more vulnerable to MARSI, friction and shear. Including 3M™ Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film in the wound care process helps protect periwound skin from maceration.
Peristomal skin complications can affect up to 77 percent of patients, and they’re the most common post-operative complication following stoma creation⁷. Making 3M™ Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film part of the ostomy care process can help protect against peristomal irritation.
There are many skin barrier options available, but not all skin barriers are created equal. Learn why 3M™ Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film has a clear advantage over traditional ointments or creams.
In a study of patients with PICCs, 62 percent of patients experienced skin complications when gauze or tape was applied, while only 6 percent of patients experienced skin complications when 3M™ No Sting Barrier Film was applied before gauze and tape protocol.⁸
3M™ Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film was 2X faster to apply versus zinc oxide ointment and petroleum-based barrier preparations.⁹
When the skin around her stoma became so painful and irritated she was ready to give up, this patient became her own advocate and discovered a 3M barrier film that “changed her life”.
Find out how thinking skin first can help impact outcomes and improve experiences.
Wondering if 3M™ Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film is right for your practice? Need tips for managing skin damage at your facility? Ready to purchase? Our team is here to help.
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See how Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film provides proven protection useful on IV sites.
Learn how to properly apply Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film to protect skin when in the operating room.
Learn how to properly apply Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film to protect skin.
¹ 3M data on file. TEAM-MISC-05-001563, CLIN-RPT-FINAL-INV-US-05-289804 (dry time).
² 3M data on file. TEAM-MISC-05-005732 and SPONSOR FINAL RPT-05-002049
³ Campbell K, Woodbury MG, Whittle H, Labate T, Hoskin A. A Clinical Evaluation of 3M No Sting Barrier Film. Ostomy Wound Management. 2000; 46(1):24-30.
⁴ 3M data on file. CLIN-MISC-US-05-169008.
⁵ Cutting KF. Impact of adhesive surgical tape and wound dressing on the skin with reference to skin stripping. J Wound Care 2008;157-158,160-162.
⁶ Maene, B. Hidden costs of medical tape-induced skin injuries. Wounds UK. 2013; 9(1), 46-50.
⁷ Colwell JC, McNichol L, Boarini North America Wound, Ostomy, and Continence and Enterostomal Therapy Nurses Current Ostomy Care Practice Related to Peristomal Skin Issues.J. of Wound Ostomy & Cont Nurs 2017.
⁸ George M. Use of a barrier film (3M™ Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film) to reduce local skin complications around peripherally inserted central catheter lines: a randomized prospective controlled study. WCET Journal. 2016; 36(4):8-13.
⁹ Coutts P, Queen D, Sibbald RG. Periwound skin protection: a comparison of a new skin barrier vs. traditional therapies in wound management. Wound Care Canada. 2003; 1(1).
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